Steve 20th February 2022

My Amazing journey started 20th September 2013. We started seeing each other to play Backgammon, but Fiona didn't take long to melt my heart and once I'd had my first Op on my leg, Fiona nursed me back to strength. There were many firsts during a relationship and marriage, I'd never been on a jet ski so on one of our many trips to Turkey we went down to the beach and hired two, I remember the guy asking if I'd ever been on one before, I said no but it would be OK as I was with my girlfriend, he look around and said who..... so I pointed to the dot on the horizon across Marmaris Bay. She even managed to get me eating rice, pasta, sweet potatoes and even carrots..... I have so many wonderful memories of our time together, it really was and action packed 9yrs (Nearly). Its without a doubt she would have gone throught the green lane with nothing to declare and she'd have sailed through...unlike us coming home from Lanzarote..... I love you Darling, our home is just a house now, it really does feel as if the heart has been ripped out of here. Till we meet again on the other side, I will raise a Strawberry Daiquiri for you darling. I love and miss you so so much. I know Cassius feels the same. xXx